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Friday, February 26, 2010

My First Interview in Starbucks

Ok I'm here waiting for the Starbucks manager to interview me.
He still needs to interview one more person before me.

So I'm waiting.

Alot of exciting thoughts come playing endlessly in my mind.

Will I make it in the f&b world??

I know it's gona be tough.
Physically, mentally or emotionally.

But I just say. And pray.

Jesus, please be with me.


Will update u.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

10 Tempat Yang Tidak Bisa Kamu Kunjungi

From Kaskus.us!!! Again~~

"Dunia ini penuh Rahasia !!
Ada beberapa tempat yang kita tidak mengetahuinya dan walaupun kita maupun tempat2 ini tidak bisa kita kunjungi..
List ini berisi tempat paling signifikan diseluruh Dunia yang tertutup untuk umum dan hampir tidak mungkin untuk masyarakat umum mengunjunginya !!"

1. RAF Menwith Hill
RAF Menwith Hill adalah pangkalan militer dengan koneksi ke jaringan mata-mata ECHELON global. Situs berisi beragam stasiun satelit bawah tanah dan diklaim sebagai stasiun pemantauan elektronik terbesar di dunia. Situs yang terletak dari Skipton A59 Road, sekitar sembilan mil barat Harrogate di North Yorkshire dan menempati sekitar satu mil persegi Moorland.
Tempat ini dibangun oleh Departemen Pertahanan AS.

2. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center
Ini adalah tempat yang tidak hanya tertutup oleh umum tetapi itu adalah tempat yang mengharapkan manusia tidak menginjakkan kakinya disana. Lokasi yang berada di Virginia digunakan sebagai pusat operasi untuk Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Direlokasikan untuk sebuah stasiun kontrol, mengapa sangat terlarang dikarenakan tempat ini mempunyai sistem frekuensi yang sangat tinggi yang menghubungkan sebagian besar badan-badan keamanan publik pemerintah federal dan militer AS dengan sebagian besar negara-negara bagian.

3. Ise Grand Shrine
Adalah kuil paling suci di Jepang. Tempat ini didedikasikan untuk Amaterasu (dewi matahari) dan telah ada sejak 4SM, Kuil ini diduga untuk menyimpan beberapa dokumen dan beberapa item penting kekaisaran Jepang, salah satunya adalah yang Naikū (mitologi Jepang yang akhirnya berakhir di tangan kaisar pertama). Ise Grand Shine dirubuhkan dan dibangun kembali setiap 20 th atas ide Shinto kematian dan kelahiran (berikutnya pada tahun 2013). Tempat ini sangat sangat sulit untuk dikunjungi, kecuali Anda adalah seorang imam atau pendeta yang menjadi anggota keluarga kaisar.

4. Room 39
Kamar 39 atau Biro 39 adl tempat ilegal satu satunya yang didukung penuh oleh suatu negara dan berada disuatu negara. Diproyeksikan sbg salah satu organisasi rahasia di Korut yang mencari cara untuk mencari cara memperoleh mata uang asing untuk Kim Jong-il. Kamar ini didirikan pada tahun 1970-an dan tidak diketahui dari mana nama ini berasal. Sangat sedikit sekali informasi tentang Room 39 ini dikarenakan sifat rahasia organisasi sekitarnya. Cara kerja Biro ini adalah menggunakan 10-20 rekening bank diCina dan di Swiss, untuk tujuan pemalsuan, pencucian uang dan transaksi ilegal lainnya. Tempat ini juga disinyalir terlibat dalam penyelundupan Narkoba dan penjualan senjata. Korea Utara telah membantah terlibat dalam kegiatan ilegal apapun. Kamar 39 diyakini berada di dalam sebuah Gedung Partai Buruh di Pyongyang, ibukota Korea Utara.

5. Area 51
Area 51 (atau lebih dikenal sebagai US Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3 dan juga samaran-samaran lain Dreamland, Watertown Strip, Paradise Ranch, The Farm, The Box, Groom Lake, dan juga The Directorate for Development Plans Area) adalah sebuah daerah terisolasi di bagian selatan Nevada, yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah Amerika Serikat, digunakan sebagai pusat pembangunan rahasia dan percobaan pesawat - pesawat tempur generasi baru. Area ini juga sangat terkenal karena diduga kuat sebagai pusat penelitian UFO yang sampai sekarang dianggap sebagai salah satu teori konspirasi yang belum terungkap.
yg saya pernah baca tentang area 51 adalah tempat penelitian milik amerika yg sangat dirahasiakan, bahwa ada sampel-sampel mahluk luar angkasa yg pernah jatuh ke bumi. area 51,pada zaman perang dunia sebuah benda luar angkasa berbentuk pesawat aneh dan sebuah mahkluk kecil jatuh di sekitar daerah itu,yang kemudian langsung diselamatkan dan dimasukkan ke pangkalan AS,konon hingga kini pesawat aneh dan mahkluk itu masih diteliti oleh para ilmuwan,yang makin membuat area 51 semakin misterius adalah karena tempat itu sangat tertutup dan hanya orang-orang tertentu yang bisa masuk ke tempat itu.

6. White’s Gentlemen’s Club
Ini adalah tempat untuk para anggota klub para pria diInggris, didirikan oleh Francesco Italia Bianco pada tahun 1693. Awal klub ini terbentuk adalah hanya untuk kumpulan para pecinta minuman cokelat panas namun akhirnya menjadi khas dan ekslusif dikarenakan rahasianya itu. dan sekarang tempat ini sangat terkenal dengan permainan judinya yang aneh, seperti bertaruh 3.000 pounds hanya untuk menebak tetesan pertama pada air hujan dari jendela yang mana. Untuk Anda yang ingin mendaftar keanggotaan hanya bisa jika diundang dan disetujui oleh 2 orang anggota lainnya.

7. Moscow Metro-2
Metro-2 di Moskow adl sistem kota bawah tanah terbesar diDunia, kota ini dibangun pada jaman Stalin. Kota ini sangat rahasia, sampai wartawanpun ingin merilis berita ini selalu tidak pernah di"iya"kan oleh pemerintah. Tempat ini sangat rahasia dikarenakan tidak ada seorang pun menegaskan keberadaan kota ini.

8. Club 33
Disneyland tempat hiburan untuk anak anak maupun dewasa, tidak ada satupun tempat diDisneyland yang "bebas" kecuali Klub 33 ini. Tidak mudah untuk masuk ke Club ini, selain sekuriti yang sangat ketat tempat ini juga menggunakan finger screen. Menjadi klub ekslusif club ini tidaklah mudah dan murah, selain pendaftaran sekitar 10-30 ribu US$ anda juga harus menunggu selama 14 tahun untuk menjadi waiting list

9.Vatican Secret Archives
Walaupun bernama "Vatican Secret Archives" tetapi arsip2 disini tidaklah rahasia, karena anda dapat melihat dokumen yang anda inginkan, tetapi anda tidak bisa masuk ketempat ini, anda harus mengirimkan permintaan dahulu untuk sebuah dokumen kepihak yang berwenang di Vatican. Tidak semua buku anda bisa lihat, hanya dokumen yang sudah berusia 75 tahun saja (untuk melindungi informasi diplomatik dan pemerintahan. Ada 35.000 buku dalam katalog dan itu sepanjang 84 Km.

10. Mezhgorye
adalah kota tertutup di Rusia yang terletak di Gunung Yamantaw, kota yang didirikan pada tahun 1979 ini berada diketinggian 1.640 m, kota ini ditenggarai oleh AS sbg tempat rahasia pembuatan nuklir. Proyek besar ini mulai diamati oleh satelit AS pada 1990. AS meminta pernyataan dari pihak Rusia akan tempat ini, tetapi Rusia membantahnya, mereka bilang itu hanyalah lokasi pertambangan.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kenapa orang Jepang tidak banyak menjadi anggota FaceBook??

Artikel ini saya temukan di kaskus.us
Sewaktunya membaca judulnya saya merasa tertarik, oleh karena itu saya mempostingnya di blog ini. Semoga para pengikut saida ponland menyukainya.

Beberapa kali saya pernah mengirimkan invitation ke teman mahasiswa Jepang untuk ikut bergabung di FaceBook (FB). Tapi undangan saya tersebut sangat jarang ditanggapi oleh teman saya. Ada satu dua orang yang menjadi anggota, tapi itupun tidak aktif. Hanya sekedar membuka account saja. Yang lumayan aktif biasanya hanya mahasiswa Jepang yang mempunyai banyak teman mahasiswa asing.

Tahun 2008 Mark Zuckerberg membuat aplikasi bahasa Jepang untuk menarik lebih banyak peminat FB dari negeri sakura. Ternyata harapan itu tidak terpenuhi. Memang sebagian besar warga Jepang sangat tidak terbiasa dengan aplikasi berbahasa Inggris. Tetapi ketika YouTube membuat aplikasi berbahasa Jepang, berbondong-bondong orang Jepang mengupload video ke sana. YouTube relativ lebih disenangi dibandingkan dengan FB. Ternyata bahasa bukan kendali utama bagi menjamurnya FB di Jepang.

Untuk menjadi anggota FB, kita diharuskan mengisi data-data pribadi yang nantinya dicantumkan kepada orang yang menjadi teman kita. Sementara YouTube cuma mensyaratkan nama (itupun tidak perlu nama asli) dan alamat email . Di sinilah masalahnya. Sebagian besar orang Jepang tidak mau memperlihatkan data dan kehidupan pribadinya kepada banyak orang. Sebagai contoh, dengan memperlihatkan tanggal, bulan dan kelahiran kita, dipercaya dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui karakter kita yang sangat berbahaya apabila digunakan untuk kepentingan tidak baik.

Selain itu, orang Jepang juga tidak terlalu suka menonjolkan jati dirinya di hadapan orang banyak. Mereka terbiasa hidup berkelompok dan bekerja juga dalam kelompok. Kita mungkin kenal dengan produk walkman, tapi kita tidak tahu siapa penemunya, kecuali dari Sony Corpporation. Juga tamagochi yang terkenal itu, oleh perusahannya, sang penemu mendapat perlakuan sama dengan pegawai lainnya dan dianggap sebagai bagian dari kerja kelompok.

Dalam berinternetpun, orang Jepang lebih suka memakai identitas lain atau bukan nama sebenarnya. Tahun 2005 ada satu kisah nyata tentang warga Jepang yang bercurhat dalam suatu forum Internet. Pemuda Jepang tersebut adalah orang yang suka dengan komik (manga), game, animasi dan bergaya agak aneh. Di Jepang orang seperti ini disebut “otaku”. Dalam suatu perjalanan di kereta api, dia berhasil menolong seorang wanita cantik berpendidikan tinggi dari gangguan orang mabuk. Keinginannya untuk mendekati dan mencintai wanita tersebut dicurahkan dalam sebuah forum Internet. Dalam setiap langkah untuk mendekati sang wanita, dia menceritakannya di forum tersebut. Banyak sekali tanggapan, saran dan dukungan kepada pemuda tersebut. Kisah ini akhirnya menjadi populer dan dijadikan sebuah film, sinetron dan komik dengan judul “Densha Otoko” (Train Man). Sampai sekarang, identitas asli Train Main ini tidak diketahui.

Selain itu, ada juga rasa mawas diri dari orang Jepang untuk tidak membagi identitas, foto dan kehidupan pribadinya. Terutama para wanitanya. Mereka tidak mau diganggu oleh orang-orang iseng yang mengetahui identitas mereka melalui FB. Pernah juga ada kasus ketika seorang mahasiswi yang punya blog didatangi oleh pemuda Amerika yang ingin berkenalan dengannya. Sang mahasiswi menolak dan sempat terjadi kehebohan di kampus. Sejak saat itu ada himbauan di kampus untuk tidak membuka kehidupan pribadi melalui blog. Demikian cerita salah satu professor saya.

Jadi budaya masih banyak mempengaruhi orang Jepang untuk tidak sembarangan berinternet. Sementara di Indonesia banyak yang dengan secara sengaja membagi-bagikan nomor HP, alamat, nomor PIN BlackBerry dan identitas lainnya di FB mereka. Tanpa disadari, kalau ada orang yang berniat tidak baik, data-data ini bisa dengan sangat mudah dimanfaatkan untuk kejahatan.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Are Men Breast Obsessed?

There is a common notion that men like big breasted women. Hence, the statement “The bigger a woman’s bust, the stronger a man’s lust.”

Photo Credit: Me (of course I made this myself)

While enjoying my grocery shopping, the other day, one big breasted woman passed by me. She must be a cup D or E. How I felt belittled seeing the huge endowment she possessed. Darn am only cup "tot"(ah never mind...hehehe.. )She flaunted her ample cleavage like they were hotcakes for sale. The men all over her went drool at the size of what they saw- a magnificent landscape on sight! There was stillness and silence as if the men were devoured by two very welcoming, definitely non life-threatening enchanted peaks! I was about to tell her “Move away! Hide your mountains before another’s eyes and eyelids stop blinking!” lol... (Though, I hoped they had no thoughts of grabbing what they saw..gosh!)

Are men really breast obsessed? Maybe “breast-obsessed” is too much of a word! One thing is certain though “men like the pleasant sight of breasts before them”. One (because) they don’t have them. Two, they accentuate the difference between men and women. Three, they trigger their sexual fantasies.

Breast size doesn’t really matter to most men. Ten thousands eyes may be cast on bigger boobies, but that doesn’t mean the smaller ones won’t get ten thousand tongue applause too...(oh don’t think naughty now...;))

Your Uninstaller! 2010 Pro 7.0.2010.13

Your Uninstaller! 2010 Pro 7.0.2010.13

Name: Your Uninstaller! 2010 Pro 7.0.2010.13 by Soft9Category: Programs
Developer: Ursoftware
Year: 2010
File size: 5.94 Mb
About the Program: Your Uninstaller provides the solution of problems in uninstalling applications installed on your computer. Highlights the newly installed "soft" and automatically cleans remaining after removal of registry keys and files. Garbage collection, however, some applications are not restricted. You can also request a list of startup programs, and context menu Internet Explorer. It can show the appropriate application icons. There is a search function applications by keyword. Automatically detects broken registry keys and removes them on your solution. It is possible manually remove entries about installed programs from the registry. It has a pleasant and convenient user interface, as the program has Russian interface.

The program has a well-conceived and organized interface. There is a useful feature for users who are faced with HotBar. Sometimes, even if theapplication was uninstalled, the Toolbar is in your Internet Explorer, Your Uninstaller! can get rid of any part of HotBar. The program also removes from the roster of spies, known as Ad-ware, exported to print a list ofinstalled programs and much more. Lets not simply replace the standard uninstaller, but also significantly enhance the ability to remove the program and obtain information about theinstalled software. If you scan the system automatically identifies "abandoned" the files and incorrect keys in the registry left over from the seemingly distant programs. In addition to performing the basic functions, allows you to manage programs that run at startup.

Key features:
- Complete removal of installed applications
- Deep scan registry and hard drive for invalid entries and unnecessary files
- Remove programs that could not be removed through the standard Add / Remove Programs
- Delete screensavers (in PRO version)
- Delete traces of Internet activity
- Create a backup system registry and restore
- Office registry keys
- Built-in hard drive cleaner that allows to find and remove unnecessary files on your hard disk (PRO version)
- Built-in cleaner context menu Internet Explorer (in PRO version)
- Built-manager startup programs (in PRO version)
- Correction or removal of incorrect labels on the desktop and Start menu
- Get detailed information about installed applications
- Backup and restore information about the installed applications
- Remove with a simple drag and drop application icons in the window
- List installed applications with the original program icons
- Powerful search feature programs for their subsequent removal
- Automatic detection of improperly installed programs and their disposal at one click
- Fast speed of execution of this program - is 5-10 times faster sandartnogo manager to remove software of Windows XP
- Export program list to a file or print
- And many other possibilities

On the file:
Enabling | reg code: sew
Interface Language: English and Russian
File Format: RAR
Platform / OS: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7


BeeThink IP Blocker 1.2

BeeThink IP Blocker 1.2

BeeThink IP Blocker blocks unwanted IP addresses based on IP blocklists. It monitors network activities in real-time and prevents the connection between a server/website and certainIP addresses or ranges of addresses. BeeThink IP Blocker effectively bans undesired connections from those computers to a website, mail server, or other Internet server. Being an alternative of PeerGuardian, BeeThink IP Blocker filters 'bad' IP addresses and protects P2P users' computer from unauthorized searches instigated by private agencies and corporations. It keeps safe when using P2P programs such as Limewire, Emule, Vuze, uTorrent or any of the various BitTorrent programs. This program supports many IP list formats, such as PeerGuardian IPfilter file, Emule IPfilter file, and Apache's .htaccess file. In addition, BeeThink IP Blocker can be used as a simple firewall and the firewall rules are based on IP address, port, protocol, and other factors. If users want to know where their computers communicate, the 'IP address look up' program will tell them more. BeeThink IP Blocker is fully compatible with Windows 2000, XP, 2003, 2008, Vista, Windows 7, in 32-bit and 64-bit. Version 1.2 adds supports for running as a Windows service.

Major Features:
1. Block IP addresses. BeeThink IP Blocker easily blocks country IP addresses with Apache's .htaccess file.
2. Real-Time network activities monitoring. BeeThink IP Blocker monitors each incoming and outgoing packet in Real-Time. It displays local address, remote address, and other information of each network traffic.
3. Looking up IP addresses. BeeThink IP Blocker looks up the remote IP addresses and ownership information.
4. Firewall protection. You can protect your computer by means of setting firewall rules. The rules are based on remote IP addresses, ports, protocols, and other factors.
5. Black list and white list. BeeThink IP Blocker controls the user's access to the Internet within particular areas by setting black list or white list.
6. Supporting 64-bit Windows Operating System, such as 64-bit Windows 2008, 64-bit Windows Vista, and 64-bit Windows 7.
7. Supporting many IP list formats, such as PeerGuardian IPfilter file, Emule IPfilter file, and Apache's .htaccess file.
8. Running BeeThink IP Blocker as a Windows service.
9. Removing IP address ranges from the current IP list.

Download: 6.9 Mb

High Bulging Forehead: Sign of Superior Intelligence?

“I’m a dangas girl, like my mother!” (Loose Translation: "Dangas" means “malaki noo or bonbonan”/ big or bulging forehead)

I remember this line pretty well.

At age 6 and below, I was always asked to say this line in front of all my uncles and aunties. It appeared as if I was bragging at having a high bulging forehead. My relatives seemed entertained as they watched a 6 year old cheerfully and innocently boasted about her bulging forehead. That wasn’t embarrassing at all as they’d bribe me with big claps, and few cents to a peso. They all loved my little presentation, I knew by their merry eyes. . Then I’d slowly exit, with that childish grin thinking “Yeheey Naa ko Kwarta!” (loose translation: “Yeheey, I have money!”) It felt like I outsmarted them all to giving me some cash with a simple sentence. Now I know they tricked me for fun’s sake..lol..

Anyway, is a high bulging forehead a sign of superior intelligence? This is the common belief that’s not proven scientifically. Having a bulging forehead does not indicate above average brainpower. So don’t get intimated upon the sight of someone with bigger/wider forehead than yours. Seriously, a high bulging forehead means just one thing: “a high bulging forehead”. heheh

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Need to Scream Aloud or Die!

I agonize over every pimple I get these past days, in the same vein as I fret over every frown line I notice on my face. I know am getting older everyday, but to see new pimples all over my face freaks me out. Anxiety over my damned pimples has seized me. I try to comfort myself with made up suppositions like “The pimples will be gone tomorrow.” These are just allergies. Having taken antihistamine, my face will be better tomorrow”. But I am not even an inch close to convincing myself. The next day I wake up with new zits giving me morning pangs of hideous truth right in front of my mirror. What you might mistake here as exaggeration to the point of madness is often called as vanity... but is pleasant to the ears when termed as health consciousness. Lol..

Instead of tossing over tear soaked Kleenex tissue for all of these, I try to ward off the feeling of depression I feel over my seriously affected physical appearance and sex appeal. hahahaha.. Okay let me say the first “eeww” (heightened voice) to the last few words I said..hihihi..

Seriously, I couldn’t bear anymore the hypocritical smiles I imagine from other people. Yes, I am creating my own ghost so to speak. But I need to vent this feeling, scream aloud or I die... (okay, am exaggerating again...:))

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tips Menghadang Nyeri Saat Datang Bulan


Jika nyeri yang anda rasakan berlangsung lebih dari 48 jam ada baiknya anda berkonsultasi dengan dokter. Atau jika tak sempat ke dokter, cobalah mengatasinya dengan cara-cara yang bisa dilakukan di rumah.

Olahraga merupakan cara termudah untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Berjalan kaki bisa membantu mengurangi nyeri datang bulan karena dengan berjalan kaki maka sirkulasi organ pelvis anda menjadi lancar. Saat berjalan, regangkan otot-otot anda dan ayunkan tangan, kaki dan pinggang dengan santai.

Mandi air hangat juga bisa membuat rileks otot-otot dan mengurangi nyeri.

Apabila udara sedang dingin, kenakanlah pakaian hangat untuk melindungi bagian pinggang anda. Otot-otot pelvis anda akan menjadi lebih rileks apabila berada dalam kondisi hangat.

Kalsium selain berguna untuk merawat otot dan tulang juga bisa mengurangi nyeri akibat datang bulan. Selama datang bulan, otot-otot yang kekurangan kalsium memiliki kecenderungan untuk hiperaktif dan bisa mengalami kram. Oleh karena itu cobalah mengkonsumsi kalsium secara rutin sebanyak 800 miligram sehari atau setara dengan tiga cangkir susu.

Magnesium bisa meningkatkan penyerapan kalsium dalam tubuh. Maka dari itu, tingkatkan asupan magnesium anda dengan mengkonsumsi kacang-kacangan, gandum, ikan salmon, udang, tahu, dan sayur mayur.

Kunyit dan Jeruk Nipis juga dikenal sejak dulu bisa mengurangi nyeri datang bulan. Pertama, ambil beberapa butir kunyit lalu parut. Parutan itu beri sedikit air matang, dan saring hingga air saringan itu mencapai setengah gelas kecil. Air saringan itu kemudian beri satu sendok teh perasan jeruk nipis. Minum air tersebut ketika hari pertama haid. Dengan cara seperti itu, niscaya hari-hari berikutnya anda tak akan merasakan nyeri haid dan dapat beraktivitas seperti biasa.

Tips lainnya adalah:

- Minum aspirin atau obat pencegah produksi prostaglandin, orgasme dimana rahim akan mengerut.
- Minum air putih yang banyak.
- Selagi haid, hindari sesuatu yang dingin, seperti es. Karena dapat membuat aliran darah menjadi beku.

Tiger Woods Apology Speech Video (February 19, 2010)

OMG! Tiger Woods made a 13 minute apology speech for his selfish, foolish behavior and affairs with women. This is the full video of Tiger Woods' Press Conference. The Tiger Woods' affairs with women almost ended Tiger Woods' salad days, as evidenced by many sponsors who have dropped Tiger Woods as a top endorser of their products.

Earlier this Friday, Tiger Woods issued a press conference. The full video below for you to watch. It's up to you to decide on his sincerity.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Silly Questions from a Chatmate!

Idle hands are the devil’s handiwork.. Nyay, that doesn’t sound good, so to kill the boredom I felt a few hours ago I logged in to my Yahoo Messenger account and joined “Mindanao Chatroom”. Ironically, instead of meeting chatters from Mindanao, Philippines, I met chatters from India, UK, and USA. There was this one chatter from India who said he was a psychology student. He started to ask questions related sex.. sigh! Most male chatters do.. So anyway, the conversation went this way:

He said: Do you enjoy sex?

I said: (jokingly or was it.. hahhaah.. figure it yourselves) “Yes”

He said: With whom?

I said: With my boyfriend.

He said: Do you do it weekly.. mam.

I said: No.. depending on our mood. How about you?

He said: Yes very much with my aunt..

--- I cried out silently “Incest!” But I was still nice as pie..

I said: What?

He said: Yes, she would call me if she wants to.

--- I needed to get the heck out of this nonsense conversation..

I said: Okay. I have to go. Nice chatting with you.

He said: last question, mam

I said: yes.

He said: why ladies wear bra can’t understand, mam..

--- I laughed... What a silly question!

I said: (Simply I said) hahaha.. bra support our breasts. Otherwise gravity will take its toll on our breasts and they get saggy.. hahahaha..

He said: Its so soft ..mam..

I never replied then..

What a conversation we had! It did kill my boredom at the same made me laugh..hahaha!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I thought You Were Gay.. I still do think the same way at times

I’m fed up! I just need to get a few things out my head. Otherwise, I would explode.

Seriously, I really thought he was gay and I still think he is gay at times. He is a smart person., a constant honor student and is now an accomplished professional. But we all think of him as gay. He is just soft in his ways.. But my crystal ball is foggy this time so I'd like to keep this "gender issue" ending with a comma, rather than a period.

In the past, he courted me. It’s not that I was spellbound or something but my world seemed to have stopped in shock. Armageddon!!! I knew my subconscious mind echoed to me “Could this be the end of the world?”. In a snap I was back into myself and realized the truth, a ROMEO is expressing his love for me. But only this time, ROMEO is GAY or likely gay! lol..

There was not a chance that we could be lovers. There was no love, no chemistry..Things just didn’t feel right. I likened it to buying lingerie. No matter how beautiful the lingerie is, but when you slip it on, it’s either too loose or too tight. Buying it is just a waste of money.

I’m talking about this thing now because he again reiterated his “love” for me a few days ago (in a jiffy) and dropped the nuclear bomb guy lingo through a cowardly text: "I am in love with you.. Am truly, madly, deeply in love with you."

He also mentioned about “first love never dies” thing. So cliché! I felt like I was opening my history book upon hearing his words. My past just got dug up and I had to re-live in it again...re-enacted the past of saying “NO” to him. I’m sure it hurt him. But the biggest issue really is not about his being gay or gay-ish. It’s more on the genuineness of the intentions. For years we haven't seen each other, and then he came up through text and told me how he much loves me.. In my book, that is so questionable. He couldn't fall in love with me again in a blink of an eye!

Oh well,
I just let this roll off my shoulders, and just guess that he could be in his cups, intoxicated and all when he said those words and let karma do its thing.

Note: To the guy, if you read this, please don't get mad at me.. I'm just being true. And I will try not to talk about "love" in my next articles..hehehe..

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Payment from NEOBUX

Yes, i got my 1st payment from NEOBUX. This is a really best PTC Site.

This is my payment proof :
Click for enlarge

1. Standard Member
Per Click : $0.010
Per Referral Click: $0.005

2. Golden Member
Per Click : $0.010 to $0.20
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You’re married and you want to date me? Are you out of your stupid brains?!

I can’t be a home wrecker and never will I be!

This guy is married and he wants to date me.

The story is simple. We were schoolmates. We casually knew each other, not until we joined the same review class for we were sort of introduced. I paid respect to him by calling him “Sir”. Nothing unusual then, not until I wore a jacket to the review class. He seemed to have a different look at me. We talked and he asked me quite a few things. Since I repeatedly called him “Sir” he again told me to just call him by his first name. That’s odd! He is older than me.. he’s an engineer and all my other friends don’t call him by his first name. A bit suspicious.. I insisted I call him “Kuya ___”, to which he objected but later on didn’t bother at all. So I shook off any bit of inkling I initially had.

On that same day, I was too tired and bored to finish the review class, so I wanted to sneak out. He volunteered to carry my bag for me. The plot was this, I leave the room, carrying nothing, and then he will follow with all my things hidden in his jacket (am not sure if he was wearing a jacket then...) So I successfully left the review class without the lecturer knowing. There were times when he’d treat me for snacks during breaks in our review class. . He did the same thing to his other friends too, I guess.

One weekend, we travelled together back to another city. We boarded the same taxi bound for the terminal. He paid the taxi for both of us. He also paid the fare of the bus for me. I told him I could very well pay for the fare but he insisted. He really seemed like a “Kuya” so I had no suspicion. We talked in the bus about his life but more on his children. We arrived safely and parted ways.

Let’s fast forward this story ... shall we? Let’s get to the meat of this nonsense narration..hehehe.

Last month, he texted me as he was going somewhere. He asked if I have plans of going there too. I said yes but not this time. He said he was going so why not I go too.. I politely responded, it’s not yet time for me to go, besides my finances ain’t enough yet as I am jobless.. To my surprise he said, he would pay the one way fare. Shiver me timbers! Santa Claus came by early! Shocked, I said, no thanks. Going on a trip with a married man is definitely not my cup of tea. Heaven forbids!

Let’s hit the forward button again...

This Valentine ’s Day he greeted me but the word “dear” was added in his message.

I said something like : “please don’t even joke about calling me “dear” because you are married.. what if someone reads your message.. "

to which he responded :“it’s just gonna be the two of us who will know”.

Then he said he wanted to date me this Valentine ’s Day! Things couldn’t be clearer now. Holy. cow! This man is out of his head! Whether his intentions were pure or not, I don’t care. The point is, it’s not right for him to ask me that!

Okay so I said something like: “Sorry, I’m taken”

He said: “So you have a boyfriend”... “Just don’t tell him”

And then he made a last-ditch for the night saying: “Come on, let’s go on a date!”

On Valentine’s Day itself, he asked me out again. I rejected the indecent offer.

After Valentine’s Day he texted me asking if I was still in ______. I said yes, and he said he wanted to date me.

I blatantly said "no .. adding, it’s not right.. what if your wife knows this.. blah blah blah.."

He responded, “she (wife) won’t know am with a beautiful lady”.

I said: "Stop it! I’m taken. Bye.."

This guy is like loose cannon. But I won’t fall in the kind of trench he has prepared. I’m not a home wrecker. Just the thought of dating a married guy is drowning my sanity! .I have no feelings for him! He is married! I’m taken! Let sleeping dogs lie.

I used to see a good man in him. But now I see a treacherous tongue and traitor heart! Worst I see a cheating husband, who sends sweet words to other women and goes home to his wife as if nothing happens. Am glad am not a headless chick that jumps into just about anything. I still have my morals intact. I will not go into a slippery slope like this and entangle myself with a married man, not even in my last hurrah, not even in my death bed. He better sling his hook!

Perth Chillax

I miss Perth. Hope I can visit my friend this April.
Would love to go roadtripping.

Thought I can blog.

Well, here I am and would like to seek your suggestions, tips, help
in Blogging.

You see, I have been blogging for like 3 years now and I am getting frustrated.
My adsense takes months to have a check out while I know some bloggers that
are earning $200 plus per day and even thousands.

WhaT is my problem? Where have I gone wrong?

You see,

I love blogging but I also want to monetize it but just don't know how.
Someday, I'm gona ditch my 8-5 job and then just focus on what I really love
but I just need someone to show me how.


Links, Tutorials, articles would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Pembayaran Pertama dari Kumpul Blogger

Senang banget deh hari nih pas buka email, ada email dari kumpulblogger yang memberikan konfirmasi bahwa komisi saya sudah dibayar. Ini bukti emailnya :

Langsung saja saya print Buku tabungan BCA saya, ternyata beneran ditransfer dan membuktikan kalo mas kukuh pemilik kumpulblogger benar-benar komitmen terhadap para publishernya. Saya sengaja baru senilai 30ribuan langsung minta klaim pembayaran buat nge test, beneran gak sih kumpulblogger mentransfer. TERNYATA Thanks God beneran ditransfer. Semula aku sempat ragu, masak minimal klaim transfer baru dapet sepuluh ribu udah bisa dicairkan. Dan sekarang aku makin percaya sama kumpulblogger. Duit masuk..sekali lagi salut buat kumpulblogger dan terima kasih tentunya hehehehe..Kesimpulanku ya bisa dilanjut masang iklan kumpulblogger. Nah kalo emang pelayanannya bagus gitu aku jadi gak ragu lagi mengiklankan kumpulblogger ke para pengunjung blog ini.

Teman2 pengunjung blog ini yang punya blog..ayo gabung ke kumpulblogger. Kan sudah ada bukti pembayaran dari kumpulblogger .Sekalian kalo ada yang mau tahu aku dapet segitu kurang dari seminggu lo... Gak ada trik yang istimewa kok, tempatkan aja iklanmu ditempat yang strategis kayak blog ini juga boleh di contoh (narsis mode:on). Dan hati2 jangan sampe melanggar Term of service nya kumpul blogger. Misalnya memasang link iklanmu di forum2..wah itu pelanggaran berat dan sudah ada kawan blogger yang kena banned.
Jadi optimasi iklan kumpulblogger bisa dilakukan hanya di blogmu aja. Misalnya dengan menulis postingan kayak gini, trus dengan menyamakan warna huruf dan settingan background iklan dengan blogmu jadi biar PTC nya tinggi.
Nah satu lagi tentang rasionya untuk 500 an pengunjung kamu aku bisa dapet 5-6 klik iklan, dan yang paling banyak dari iklan teks link..gak tau juga kenapa iklan gambar kurang disukai untuk di klik orang..tapi tetep aja ada beberapa penghasilan dari hit iklan gambar.
Sekarang kenapa aku seneng banget, soalnya hai kawan..ini kan blog gratisan..trus dapet penghasilan tanpa usaha yang berarti..GILA GAK !..wakakkaka..jadi ngebayangim kalo seminggu ntar bias dapet 50 ribuan ntar sebulan bias dapet 150 rebu jreng-jeng…bisa bayar biaya online dong..duh senangnya. Itu baru dari blog ini..belum dari blog gratisanku yang lain..hihihihi…(matre mode:on). Oke serius tipsnya jangan serakah. Tetep rajin posting dan rajin SEO. Semakin rame pengunjung semakin besar pendapatan.
Tips yang kedua sabar, kalau pengunjung blogmu masih dikit terus pelajari tehnik menarik pengunjung..tapi ya jangan dibaca doing tapi praktekkan. Oiya untuk minimal 10 ribu pembayaran dari kumpul blogger hanya pemilik rekening BCA. Untuk rekening Bank lain minimal pencairan 50 ribu.
So daripada mubadzir..pasang kumpulblogger di blogmu..ga ada resiko ini..caranya baca di sini langsung daftar aja.. semoga kamu2 makin tajir dan makmurlah blogger INDONESIA

Untuk daftar di kumpulblogger, silakan klik disini atau klik gambar dibawah ini :

Monday, February 15, 2010

The World Without Men

Men are complex beings in the kingdom animalia. They are hard to understand, at times stubborn, yet at times submissive. They say men are from mars and women are from venus. Too much for a poetic license... we’re no alien. We’re from earth, where women can’t live without men, and men can’t live without women.

But, woman, imagine the world without men!
Allow my ingenious psyche to set off my tedious imaginations. Bear in mind this is one of the most difficult thing to do in a woman’s existence, for the time being I will be removing all the “HEs” in my life. Imagine how lonely would that be! I’m making this short for it’s like committing suicide!
Okay, here I go. . I’m gathering my full prowess to be able to start my journey to a life without men inside my aching skull and griping heart (i need some pain relievers.. nyah!)..

Without men, there’ll be less war in the world.
Without men, there’ll be fewer crimes.
Without men, our prison cells will be less crowded.
Without men, there’ll be less of those cars, and moving things that men drive that hurt the environment..
Without men, there’ll be less road accidents.
Without men, the car industry, video games industry will die.
Without men, the dictionary will be restructured, dropping the words “he, him, his”, etc.
Without men, Playboy and the porn industry are dead.
Without men, the beauty and fashion industry will collapse.
Without men, what’s the purpose of sexy thongs and lingerie.. victoria’s secret is doomed!
Without men, you’d see ugly women everywhere.
Without men, you’d see lots of fat women everywhere too.
Without men, there’ll be no fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands.
Without men, what’s going to happen to sexual congress?
Without men, all women would be lesbians.
Without men, there’ll be no gays.
Without men, what’s going to happen to human proliferation?

... such a forlorn world would that be!
... when this happens, (I dread), am sure to raise my cry to the judges of the world.. a protest with relevance far more than any problem this world has faced.. A world without men.. there is no condition more terrible than this..Let this not happen, lest it be the end of the world, lest it be hell.

The God in the heavens has created such complex creation called “men” to live side by side with “women”. Since time immemorial, men and women have been co existing. Men and women living under one sun is equilibrium. We may sometimes or oftentimes hate the male species, but women we all love our men. We don’t want to live a life without them, don’t we? So to all men, please don’t leave. . .Stay!

Note: Please pardon any grammatical, or typo errors. I write as I think and feel, with less room for proof reading or editing.

This article may not be copied, or published or used in any way without my express permission.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Terms of Endearment: Tips in Choosing Plus Examples

No matter how cheesy or cheap they may sound, terms of endearment, those unique, bizarre, funny, sometimes out from nowhere names we call our significant other just add to the spice in any relationship.

How do you call your partner? Dear? Honey? Sweetie? Baby? Pie? Lab? Kitty? There are tons of names available out there that you can use or create a unique one for your partner. I’ve thought of some cute terms and coined some.. You can use them at your own liking. Here they are Muffin, or Munchkin, or Chocobabe, or chocohunk, or love-a-babe or love-a-doo, smoochie,. Of course it would be best if you coin the term yourself, something distinct. Go wild and crazy yet funny and sweet at the same time.

Finding a hard time picking the perfect term of endearment for you and your partner. Here are some of my personal tips to help you.

1. Think sweet- literally. What’s your favourite sugary food or cake, or candy? Or what was the first sugary thing your partner gave you? Derive your terms of endearment from it. For instance, your partner gave you chocolates, you can use – chocobabe, chocopie, chocohun, or “late” or “colate” or “yum-yum” or “yummy”,

2. Use the funny names you used to tease each other when you were not yet officially on. Examples would be “chub” (chubby), “icken” (chicken) etc..

3. Think food. Use “Fruitcake”, “dumpling”, “pudding”, “pumpkin”, “bunwich”, “peach” , “tootsies, etc.

4. Think sexy. Use “Hottie”, “hot-stuff”, “seducer”, “delicious”, ”twinkles” “baby-aah!” or “baby-ooh!”, “sexy-ahh or sexy-ohh”, “love-a-babe or love-a-doo” etc.

5. Use common fun terms – “Cuddles”, “Giggles”, “Snuggles”

Remember no matter how cheesy your term of endearment may be its still one way of flirting and expressing your love. So go ahead be cheesy. You’re not alone! Your only limit is your imagination.

Note: terms of endearment in red font color are personally coined by me or so I thought.. :)

This article may not be copied, used, or republished without my express permission.

My First Onitsuka Tiger Shoes

Introducing! My first Onitsuka Tiger shoes. Wooohooo!

They are fairly comfortable. I'm very happy with my purchase.

Definetely, it's shopping-friendly!

Gonna collect some more of this.

If anybody is on the fence about purchasing these sneakers, jump off and start ordering!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Email Scam

I received this kind of email 4yrs. ago and up to now they are still on it. I wonder how much money they are making for cheating on people like this. Tsk! Thats why I'm blogging this out to warn you.
How they are doing it?

First of course, they will send you this notification to ask you to send them your personal infos like name, address and contact number.

PLS. Don't!

Their goal is to ask you some $$$ to process and fund transfer the mentioned winning amount to your account. Or some will ask you to deposit any amount in their bank account just to prove you're the right person qualified for the prize. Then, they will request you to transfer an amount like maybe $500-$1000 on their account. Of course, if you are stupid, you will say "what's $1000 when I will have $4million . Rofl!

At first it makes you feel excited thinking about the $$$ but as the communication prolongs, the next conversion would become such a drag. Lolx!

I am sharing this based on my experience. If you ever receive an email like this and still have doubts,it is better that you ask around first or investigate.

How can you win a lotto when you didn't even buy the tickets.

Pls. read the email below.

Dear Lucky Winner,


We are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual
final draws of McDonalds Annual Promo.

The online McDonalds KL, Malaysian Annual Promo draws was conducted by a
random selection of email addresses from an exclusive list of 29,031
E-mail addresses of individuals and corporate bodies picked by an advanced
automated random computer search from the internet. However, no tickets
were sold but all email addresses were assigned to different ticket
numbers for representation and privacy.

After this automated computer ballot, your e-mail address emerged as one
of twelve winners in the fourth category for the second prize with the
following data:

Ref Number: EAASL/941OYI/02/SHYN
Batch Number: 12/25/0034
Ticket Number: 025-11464992-750

You as well as the other winners are therefore to receive a cash prize of
ONLY) each from the total payout.

Your prize award has been insured with your e-mail address and will be
transferred to you upon meeting the requirements, statutory obligations,
verifications, validations and satisfactory report.
To begin the claims processing of your prize winnings you are advised to
contact our licensed and accredited claims agent/security company
for SECOND category winners with the information below: You are also
advised to give the following information’s to the claim's agent via email

1. Full name and address:
2. Country:
3. Tel and fax number:
4. Occupation:
5. Your Reference and Batch number at the top of this mail:
6. Age:

Dr Harry Hector,
Email: mcdonalds.malaysia@live.com.my
Phone: 00-601-720-65605

NOTE: All winnings must be claimed within 20 days from today. After this
date all unclaimed funds would be included in the next stake.
Remember to quote your reference information in all correspondence with
your claims agent.
You are to keep all lotto information away from the general public
especially your reference and ticket numbers. (This is important as a
case of double claims will not be entertained).

Members of the affiliate agencies are automatically not allowed to
participate in this program.

Thank you and congratulations!!!
Yours faithfully,
Azmir Jaafar,
Managing Director McDonalds Malaysia.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Guilt of Hurting Him Over and Over!

He courted me back in high school for over 2 years. Speaking of persistence and patience, this guy has it. He is the perfect example of a person who waits for the sake of what he believed back then as “Love”. He said his “I love You” to me, sent me love letters almost every week, sent me cards, bought me gifts, sent me flowers, etc . He was just sweet. Wherever I was, you will see him. He’d write my notes for me. He’d fetch me in the house after lunch for school and would accompany me back home after school. He was like a shadow. You’d see him if you’d see me.

I was really straightforward with him as well as with my other suitors. I told him I wasn’t ready for love and that I only see him as a friend. Way back then, I never fully understand what love was. All I knew was that I was too young for it. Being the youngest girl in the family, the Class President, and the top contender for the Honours, all eyes were on me. I knew I wasn’t ready and I’ve not yet felt what Juliet might have felt for Romeo. Definitely he wasn’t my Romeo and neither was I his Juliet. But he had the patience, which I may guess had evolved into faith with serene hope that he shall achieve what his heart strived for. He said he was willing to wait until I am ready. But I wasn’t ready for him. He finally gave up after over 2 years of daily courtship. Yes daily! He’d miss boys’ gatherings and barkada gimmicks all because of me. So he gave up accepting rejection. I feel sorry for him. He wasted those two years for someone who didn’t love him back. But I didn’t want to fake my feelings for him out of pity.

Then he found a girlfriend, but not without asking permission from me and consulting me for approval. I felt happy for him for finally he had learned to live his life without me, start anew love story, but this time a happy one. Then our friendship was shattered. He got mad at me and hated me. I couldn’t go into the details why, let’s just leave that part private. So, we parted ways after our graduation with so much bitterness in our hearts. He hated me but I hated him more!

There was no communication between us until I finished college.

Time must have healed the wounds in our hearts for we were able to talk and laugh in our first ever reunion. We recounted the bad times and learnt to forgive and forget. But that get together must have rekindled the forgotten feelings he’s got for me. He started to show interest once more and expressed his desires to start from scratch and woo me again. I didn’t take it seriously yet remained truthful in telling him, we couldn’t be more than friends. I hurt him again!

We exchanged numbers, texted, talked on the phone and remained friends. Then our communication died. Years passed again then we were able to reconnect. Now he remains persistent in his feelings for me. He starts to court me again. A cycle that has its roots back in high school. He keeps calling me, morning, noon, night. I always tell him he’s got not a chance. Every call he makes to express his love for me, he gets my blatant “rejection”. But he is one hard headed stubborn wanting to be my “ROMEO”. His persistence is overwhelming. But it’s not enough to win me! He called the other day asking me to be his date for Valentines Day. He was willing to fly from Manila to where I am just to be with me on that special day. But I told him, I have another date with someone. I knew how it crashed his heart upon hearing it. I hurt him again! Another rejection... which he again accepted. Then he texted me saying “gudnyt t_ _, I love you always. Sori..”

The guilt of hurting this guy hasn’t set in until today as am writing this. Guilt .. because his only mistake was to love me... I feel sorry for him. I truly am..

Just How Hard it is To Forgive

Do you hate someone? Do you easily forgive the persons who do wrong to you?

Forgiveness is a very common word. When we were kids we often hear our parents talked about forgiveness and that’s basically how we learn to say sorry. But it was easy back then to say sorry and or to forgive. As kids we barely know what hatred is. But now forgiveness is too hard to give, especially when the wrong committed is just too grave, especially when the person who has wronged you is too insensitive to utter the word sorry. The world we live in is an unfair world; people (most) are unfair at each other.

I acknowledge I hate some people. If I don’t acknowledge that fact, I detour around the predicament of forgiveness. I’m not perfect and I’m not too good to not hate. If you tell me you have not hated someone you are a big LIAR. You might want to go to your room for a moment of silence, and ponder, your senses might come back and you realize you are also a hater.

Hate can easily consume us. Hate can easily destroy us. It can assault as every time, any time, anywhere. Hate travels with you, it sleeps with you. And let me guess even in the process of engaging in sexual congress hate may even engross you.. (Hahahaha, am just partly kidding..) Seriously, hate lives immortality even if the object of your hate is buried below the churchyard. Hate may not have the decency, the civility to die even when the hated is dead. That’s how vicious hate is.

Forgiveness is essential to killing hate to a final rest. But like what I said, forgiving is very hard. When hate is planted, revenge is fueled. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Many of us have this unwritten rule “You hurt me! I hurt you back”. Is it innate in human nature to redeem evil by an evil deed of retaliation? Such that when we are hurt the first thing that comes to mind is “revenge”? But when we get our revenge is the hate gone? Are we relieved? Do we even the score? I doubt!

Forgiving is tough. It’s not an easy process, especially when the wound is so deep. I hate some people. I’m battling with it. I must forgive even if no sorry was ever said, even if my blood boils at the very thought and site of my enemy, even if I am not able to get my revenge, even if doing so seems to mean losing. Yes it does seem like you lose the battle and your enemy wins if you forgive. But when you really analyze it, when you forgive you free a prisoner, yourself. When you forgive you win! Forgive to find peace, serenity and happiness. Forgive because you know that’s right.

If you can think of those people who have hurt you and then you can freely exercise the power to wish them well, then forgiveness has begun.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What if He Asks You for a Date: Does it mean he likes you?

What if a guy asks you for a date? What’s that suppose to mean? Does it mean a guy likes you? Does it mean he is interested in you? Technically, dating is defined as a form of courtship, an act of meeting and engaging in some mutually agreed upon social activity with the aim of assessing each other’s suitability as partner in an intimate relationship (wikipedia). However, this technical definition doesn’t hold true all the time especially nowadays. Hence, a woman faces one of the initial challenges of dating, whenever a guy asks her for date without defining whether it is a friendly date or a romantic date. Some guys ask their girl friends on nights out or dinner without having any romantic interests whatsoever to them. Hence, it is perplexing to gauge a guy’s real interest in you when he simply asks you out absence any other romantic indicators. The guy maybe interested in you but not romantically. The slightest streak of assumption in this aspect is always dangerous. A woman must never assume.

When a guy asks you for a date, stand on the safer ground and do not drown yourself with unfounded assumptions and unlikely expectations.

Do not be mistaken by a man’s courtesy. Some men are really courteous. A man may listen to you when you talk. He makes eye contact showing focus and attentiveness to you whenever the two of you are together. But that doesn’t mean he is interested in you romantically. He may simply be courteous brought about by his good human relation skills. In short, he socializes pretty well.

Do not be mistaken by a man’s curiosity. A man may asks you so many questions like “Are you married?”, “Do you have a boyfriend?”, “What traits do you like in a guy?” or “Have you eaten?”, “Do you like flowers or chocolates?”, etc. Questions like these can set the “he might be interested in me” alarm but he could just be simply curious, no more no less. Do not assume. In worst case scenario, a guy may be asking you these questions because someone else is interested in you and not him.

Do not be mistaken by his sweetness and thoughtfulness. Some men are pleasers of women, without any romantic ties involved. A guy may call you daily or send you morning and evening greetings through texts every single day. But mind you, he might also be doing the same thing to other girls, so be cautious and don’t jump into conclusions.

Do not be mistaken by his stares at you little longer than usual. Take notice of a man’s pupils dilating. If that’s the case, he could be interested in you. Accordingly, a man’s pupils can grow 4 times bigger when he is attracted. But remember, the pupil also dilates to allow light to pass through for better vision.

Do not be mistaken by his flirts. Some men like to flirt in the hope you’d fall for them although there is really no genuine interest. So be careful. Some men just want to see you NAKED ASAP and want to feel your skin pressed against them. Sex may drive men to seek you out. Yes men may think you are sexy and it’s a compliment, but on one hand, with this goal in the minds of men, you may just be some piece of warm meat for them.

Deciphering if a man is interested in you on the basis of a single request for a date is tough. While there may be other hints or signs pointing to the affirmative, but they must be weighed carefully with utmost objectivity.

Some positive sign of real romantic interest:

He talks about you all the time.

He always tries to get near you or around you.

He likes to tease you, call you names or crack jokes, sometimes not funny jokes at all. Men do this to get a woman’s attention.

He asks about you from other people. When a guy starts to asks those people around you of certain information about you he may be seriously interested in you to even take the time and effort to get extra information about you. Also consider his efforts at befriending people you know.

He buys you gifts, flowers, or chocolates.

He introduces you to his friends and family which he has not done to his other girl friends. In short your name is not foreign to his circle of friends and family.

He asks you for date more than once. When a guy likes a woman the first major step to show it is to date her romantically. When a man has positive strong feelings for you, he will make the effort to ask you out on a date even if he fears rejection for the second or third time. It only shows he is aggressive to pursue his intentions towards you.

Do bear in mind that men are easy and sometimes hard to read. But when they can’t find the right words to express their true feelings, they resort to body language. So learn how to read their moves.

But also take note that the common cliché signs that a guy likes you are not always true. Men are complex beings and each and every Romeo, dear Juliet meets may be different. The test to determine a guy’s real intention to you must be taken on a case to case basis in the light of attending circumstances. There is really no hard and fast rule.

Note: This article may not be copied or used in any way without my expression permission.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Orgasmic Thrill Over an iPAD!

Darn it! I want to get myself an iPAD! Can someone get me one?!

I’m experiencing one of those moments in ones life that you feel like dying for something. Aaaaah! I feel like am pregnant woman with special wants that I want to be given to me right this instance. I have morning sickness but one that doesn’t make me puke, but makes my mind twinge morning after morning thinking about it. But who impregnated me? Yay!!! It must be the guy online or that tv man demonstrating the iPAD! Lol..

Seriously I want to get an iPAD! There is no better way to sexily describe my desires for an iPAD than that of an orgasmic thrill..So what’s that orgasmic thrill? Nyahahahha! Don’t let me explain, not now.. maybe later via pm or text..weheheh!

I want an iPAD badly. I have now this moment of excited curiosity and intense longing. I’m savouring every moment of it. The only way I could feed my desire is to think of it and let it happen inside the realms of my head to the edge of illusion. Illusion I willingly enjoy and a deception I believe momentarily. This too shall pass but for now I’m enjoying the thrill and ecstasy of thinking of owning one.. heheh..

Hay, maypa matulog na lang sko .hehhehe..

Ten Ways to Seduce Your Man

Men like to be seduced. So how do you seduce your man this valentines day? Don't go with the traditional lip pouting and beautiful eyes. Be imaginative. Use that seductive power in you that only a woman can possess!

Here are some ways to seduce your guy.

1. Send him a sexy mms picture of yourself in your best and sexiest night dress or just wear a white transparent shirt that goes in length just above your knees and don't forget to wear a red sexy lingerie.

2. Give him a gift this valentines and wrap it with your sexiest undies. Wheew this one's really sexy!

3. Give him a show! Perform a striptease. Men love the slow nakedness in the beat of a romantic music.

4. When he calls talk to him in your "sexiest night-you two alone" voice.

5. Whisper some dirty talk to him while he is talking with his boss! Just imagine how the concentration will shift from his boss to you.

6. After a shower, still wrapped in a towel, with no undies on, slowly bend over while he is at your back watching you. Make sure he sees your gorgeous booty.

7. Join him in a shower. Couples should do this every once in a while.

8. Just lie naked when he gets home. This is the easiest seductive move!

9. Accidentally but purposely touch his "private weapon" while you are doing some grocery shopping. A little public tease can add to the seduction!

10. Talk to him as if you are about to kiss him but not really. Just give him that impression and he'll go crazy wanting to get that lips of yours touch his.

Note: This is a repost. The same article may be found in my other blogs. May not be copied or used in any way without my permission.

Friday, February 5, 2010

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